Maternity - Ward C23

General introduction

Ward C23 is an inpatient antenatal and postnatal maternity ward. If you need to remain in hospital for a period of time during your pregnancy or after the birth of your baby, you will be welcomed to and cared for on our Maternity Ward (C23). 

The ward has 21 beds consisting of three side rooms and three bays of six beds. 

Side room use is assessed based on clinical need and cannot be booked before arrival.  

Please note we wish to support every family's infant feeding choice, however if artificial feeding is preferred small starter pack formula bottles must be brought into the hospital as we cannot provide them on the ward.

Visiting times

Specific visiting arrangements are available on the ward allowing one birth partner to visit at any time to support their loved one and allow them to rest.

Please note there are no facilities for birth partners to sleep and they are encouraged to return home if sleep is required. 

Read more details of the visiting arrangements on Ward C23.

How to access this service

Patients are referred to Ward C23 for ongoing antenatal or postnatal care which also includes the elective caesarean service.

Admission to Ward C23 is supported when further clinical care within the hospital setting is identified by our staff on Maternity Triage and Birth Suite. 

Patients with a booked elective caesarean section can attend the ward directly on the specified appointment date and time.

About the team

The maternity day team includes four midwives and two support workers. 

The maternity night team includes two midwives and two support workers

Medical rounds for patient review take place during daytime hours, however there is 24-hour medical doctor availability if review overnight is required.

Ward Manager – Nikki Webb

Deputy Ward Manager – Michelle Potter

Deputy Ward Manager – Sarah Staples

Transitional Care Lead – Kayleigh Beaumont

Inpatient Matron – Samantha Nichols

Contact Us


01925 662258


Croft Wing

Warrington Hospital

We provide this service at